
Unto the least of these...

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me." Matthew 25:40
“Unto the least of these” provides resources for those who are most vulnerable, marginalized, or in need, as an expression of compassion and service to God. It encourages selfless acts of kindness, reminding people that when they help others, especially the less fortunate, they are ultimately serving Jesus. 

After Abortion, Adoption & Infertility

  • Connect with Christian CounselorsWe would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306. 
    Life Choices offers counseling to help you cope with everything that          comes with adoption.
  • Ariel Clinical Services - Information and Programs for Foster Care, Adoption and Adults with Disabilities.


  • Connect with Christian CounselorWe would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.
  • Dolphin House Child Advocacy Center 970-240-8655  - The Dolphin House is a child-friendly facility whose purpose is to provide child victims a safe, non-threatening place to tell what happened to them, during necessary investigations of child abuse. Dolphin House staff offer crisis intervention and ongoing supportive services that help child victims and non-offending family members begin their healing process.
  • Horsemanship &Therapeutic Riding        Center 970-775-8765 58380 Jig Rd. Montrose Equine Therapy-Serving those with disabilities including: ADD, ADHD, Autism, Developmental Delay or Disability, Emotional, Behavioral, or Mental Health, Learning Disability, PTSD, Speech Impairment, Visual Impairment Weight Control Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis 
  • House of Promise - For Women and Women with children. They offer a supportive and compassionate environment. It is designed to help women break free from the chains of addiction. Their program is specifically tailored to the unique needs of women and their children. It provides a safe and healing space; where they can rebuild their lives and find hope for a brighter future.  
  • Montrose Police Department Victims Advocate 970-252-5200 
  • 24 Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line 1-844-990-5500 or 970-249-2486 

We currently have no Small Groups for Abuse. We do have counselors that would love to help you.

Custody/Single Parents

  • Connect with Christian Counselors
  •     We would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead      you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving          arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.
    • Child Care Assistance  - Colorado Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP) provides reduced cost child care to needy families that are working, participating in job training, going to school, transitioning off public assistance, or to those needing child care to avoid receiving public assistance. Licensed daycare centers, licensed home daycare providers, and certain exempt (non-licensed) providers are reimbursed a portion of their fee for children enrolled through CCCAP. 
    • Food-MADA 970-249-4774 17 N. 6th St. Montrose 
    • Life Choices Parenting Classes Choices offers classes for: Bible Studies, Life Skills, Parenting, Pregnancy and Birth, Split Homes, and ways to earn bucks to help shop for needed supplies. Feel free to call Life Choices at 970-249-4302 for more information. 


    • Connect with Christian CounselorWe would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.


  • Connect with Christian Counselors
  •     We would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead      you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving          arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.

    Illness: Addiction, Chronic, Debilitating, Mental, Terminal 

    • Connect with Christian Counselor -  We would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.
    • Center for Mental Health 970-252-3200 605 E. Miami Rd. Montrose 
    • San Juan Cancer Center-Cancer Counseling  
    • Equine Therapy - The mission of Dream Catcher Therapy Center is to foster an environment to effectively empower people with physical and mental health challenges through interaction with rescue horses in a unique, clinical setting. Dream Catcher provides comprehensive animal assisted services using the horse as a partner to address impairments, functional limitations, cognitive delays, mental health concerns and relationship building with our clients and their families. 
    • Local Farmacy RX 300 Hap Court Olathe - For families looking to learn about cooking and nutrition, has someone living in the home with a diet-related medical condition, or qualify for SNAP/WIC can participate in cooking classes that that teach you how to cook healthy meals on a budget. This is geared for both adults and children. They will also receive a stipend (after each class) to purchase local fruits and vegetables throughout the year. 
    • MADA 970-249-4774 
    • Methodist Church Community Breakfast & Lunch 970-249-3716 505.S 2nd St. Montrose (Breakfast 8-9, Lunch 11-12, Showers, laundry and lockers) 

    Valley Food Partnership 970-249-0705 460 N. Townsend Ave. Montrose 

    • General Assistance- Rocky Mountain Health Foundation Emergency Fund through Hilltop 970-252-7445, 540 S. 1st Montrose  
    • Utility and Rental Assistance-Association of Montrose Churches @ First Presbyterian Church 970-249-4732, 1840 E. Niagara Rd. Montrose 
    • Healthy Communities 970-964-2482 1845 S. Townsend Ave. Montrose 
    • All Saints Church 970-249-2451 2057 S. Townsend Ave. Montrose 
    • Black Canyon Hotel 970-249-3495 1605 E. Main St. Montrose 
    • Briarwood Motel 970-417-4924 1225 E. Main St. Montrose  
    • Cedar Creek Church 970-252-1163 924 Spring Creek Ste. B, Montrose 


  • Connect with Christian Counselors
  •     We would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead      you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving          arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.

    New Beginnings

    • Connect with Christian Counselor - We would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead      you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving          arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.

    Senior Care

  • Connect with Christian Counselors
  •     We would love to connect you with a Christian Counselor that will lead      you to God. We want you to experience healing through God’s loving          arms. Please contact Leianne at 970-249-5306.
    • Region 10 Area Agency on Aging 970-249-436 - Community living services Lead Ombudsman: Sandy Walker-Advocate for individuals who live in nursing homes, care homes, assisted living facilities, adult care facilities. She can help educate residents and the public, of residents rights, and advocate for changes. 
    • Patient Care Partners - Montrose Regional Hospital provides the answers to Supporting a loved one in the hospital, How to plan for discharge, How to Support a transition to Senior Living, How to Prepare for ER Care, How to Support Safe Surgery, How to choose Hospice or Palliative Care
    • Dream Catcher Therapy 970-323-5400 5814 Hwy. 348 Olathe *Equine Therapy-Dream Catcher provides comprehensive animal assisted services using the horse as a partner to address impairments, functional limitations, cognitive delays, mental health concerns and relationship building with clients and their families.